by: Patricia Telesco
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“The Wiccan Book of Ceremonies and Rituals is a book that will make celebrations and events more meaningful and magical. It shares the history and the folklore surrounding each ritual or ceremony in the Wiccan Wheel, then gives information on how to best observe the day with original invocations, prayers, suggested activities, incense, foods, and wines, and appropriate apparel and decor. The book is presented in a three-part format: the basic concepts of Wiccan ritual; the Wiccan Wheel and the major festivals and Sabbats that occur throughout the year (from Spring Equinox to Samhain to Candlemas); and how to make special celebrations and rites of passage (hand fasting, births, graduations, etc.) more meaningful and personal.”
In an easy-to-follow format that readers can use and adapt to their own needs, author Patricia Telesco examines the history of Wiccan celebration, the folklore surrounding each ritual or ceremony, and...
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