by: Didi Emmons
Seller Description
Never before has so much of Earth's bounty been so abundantly available in local stores and supermarkets. In Vegetarian Planet, Didi Emmons takes vibrant flavors from around the world and, using techniques known to any home cook and easy-to-find ingredients, creates 350 dishes at once bold and flavorful, soothing and homey. Not a book of recipes from this country or that, it is instead a celebration of the new, globally inspired American pantry. Vegetarians have adventuresome palates. At last, here is a book that lets them incorporate their favorite global flavors into simple everyday meals. For the many nonvegetarians who occasionally eat meatless meals but may be used to thinking of vegetarian dining as a parade of side dishes, Vegetarian Planet offers ten big chapters of substantial and hearty main dishes.
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All the best flavors from all the Earth come to life in a soulful celebration of tasty and inventive food. From Didi Emmons, a terrific young cook who combines a passion for culinary adventure with a ...
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