by: Paul Wilson
Product Details
"Tight, entertaining...Wilson lights out for the medical-thriller territory charted by Robin Cook and Michael Chrichton." --San Francisco Chronicle. "An ingenious major-league thriller that penetrates...
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Seller Description
Quinn Cleary has always wanted to be a doctor. At the only way she can afford it is to an acceptance to the ingram, and exclusive, privately funded medical school and Research Center repeat it to be the nation's finest. If you selects their children by the Ingram receive a completely free medical education, tuition, room and board, and laugh these are all paid by school. Once accept it to the school of her dreams, Quinn dives into her studies and into study relationship with the classmate. At last, her life seems perfect. Or is it? Quinn begins to notice little changes in her classmates, the way they act, the way they think, all seen to be following yearly into line with the Masonic vision of the schools director. She confides her concerns to her boyfriend, who laughs them off, until he finds a suspicious electronic monitoring device in his room. Then he disappears. Alone on the deserted campus during the year break, Quinn finally encounters the dark truth about the ink room, the true purpose of the Institute seemingly humane medical research, then motives that have determined the school's policy, and the secret mission of the hospitals intimidate and security force, a small private Army that is drawn and even tighter net around her with every past minute. What she discovers as immense and terrifying, a conspiracy that exposes her to a danger more frightening than death, a cynical plot that undermines everything she has ever believed about the healing arts.
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