by: George Knight
Product Details
Containing approximately 2,500 entries, this dictionary gives the essential facts about the most significant biblical places, personalities, and doctrines. It includes 27 black-and-white photos. Based...
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Seller Description
Get the most out of your Bible. The time you spend with God's Word is invaluable. Whether you're reading the Bible straight through for the "big pic-ture" or slowly studying each chapter in depth, you want to get the most understanding possible out of every word. This compact Bible dictionary helps you do it. Here, in over 2,500 conciso entries, are all the essential facts about the most significant Bible people, places, things. and ideas. Key words are drawn from the beloved King James Version, but of course you can use this dictionary with any Bible version. Twenty-seven black and white photographs add extra interest, and best of all, this dictionary is perfectly sized to keep handy with your Bible for quick assistance wherever you are. Practical, reliable, and understandable, here is the die-tionary every student of the Bible needs. "I am impressed with this Bible dictionary for lay people. Tam impressed that it is so comprehensive and that it is so thoroughly and yet simply written. It is especially helpful in explaining almost all of the obscure terms in the King James Version. I predict that it will be useful to any lay person or beginning Bible student." Dan Gentry Kent Professor of Old Testament Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, Texas
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