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On a whim of the shogons mother, A procession has left the sweltering heat of edo, Bound for the cooler climate of Mount fuji. Among her traveling companions are Reiko, the beautiful wife sano Ichiro, the shogun's most honorable investigator, Reikos friend midori, 9 months pregnant, and Lady yanagisawa the deranged wife of the Shoguns powerful second in command. None of them looks forward to the trip. But the troubles have only begun when their procession is stopped suddenly on the deserted road. The entire retinue is viciously slaughtered and the four women are bound and taken away. Sano now finds himself face with the most important case of his career. The Shogun demands quick action and under the threat of death. Sano is forced to work with his bitter enemies. The delivery of a ransom note only complicates matters for some Reiko to take desperate measures.
On a whim of the shogun's mother, a procession has left the sweltering heat of Edo, bound for the cooler climate of Mount Fuji. Among her traveling companions are Reiko, the beautiful wife of Sano Ich...
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