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When this long -- awaited final book of Diana Wynne Jones's celebrated quartet of novels about the mythical kingdom ofDalemark was published in 1995, it earned the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Childre...
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Small amounts of wear from reading Pages slight yellowing Harper Trophy, 2001, 486 pages The Dalemark Quartet Book#4 Moril is calmly leading his life in the North, while Mitt has managed to escape from the South. They meet in their own time in North Dalemark, and both of them get involved in the attempt to find the person who should be sitting on the empty throne of Dalemark. In the search for a rightful ruler, the two of them get mixed up in the plotting and plans of various malicious forces, as well as forces that mean them no harm and seek what's good for Dalemark. Maewen, a girl living in current times in the country that developed out of medieval Dalemark, is somehow transported back in time by these forces so that she can help with the restoration of the royal line. Maewen's full name is Mayelbridwen Singer. It seems that Maewen is physically a twin to a young woman named Noreth Onesdaughter, who is apparently descended directly from the ancient kings of Dalemark. Noreth has announced a quest to become the rightful queen, and asks for questors to accompany her and support this quest, but just before she goes to meet these followers, she disappears. Maewen is constrained to replace her, and she has to lead Noreth's followers, collect four tokens that will prove her right to the throne, and convince everyone that she is Noreth, all while strange events and voices keep haunting her.