by: Donald G. Fink
Seller Description
Just for your information I have checked this book on otger sites such as eBay and it's going for double the price. I do not do eBay or Amazon I keep it simple. I cannot tell you the number of pagers because it's broken up into sections but I would imagine it's well over 1,000 pages. There are other additions available for about the same price but this is the 14th edition and as far as textbooks go the most current edition is the one that's usually required. There are no inscriptions, writing, and/or highlighting the book is a very good condition and it's a hardcover book. So if you're looking for this book I think this is a real good buy and remember it is the 14th edition. if you have any questions please feel free to contact me I am 78 years old and retired so I'm usually available most of the time. Thank you, John
Product Details
Covers conversion factors, electric circuits, measurement, generators, project economics, motors, electronics, electrochemistry, lighting, surge protection, and electrical standards
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