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Struggling with depression and a gambling addiction after losing his son in a car accident, small-town banker JW is caught embezzling and blackmailed by his boss into sabotaging an innocent competitor...
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Sins of Our Fathers tells the story of an arson inside an embezzlement inside an assault inside a banking scheme, all the way down to the core of the book, which is an unflinching look at America's original sin: five hundred years of physical and spiritual violence against Native peoples. Crimes that made our country. Small-town banker J.W. has been caught embezzling funds to support his gambling addiction. He is on the verge of losing everything when his boss offers him a scoundrel's path to redemption: sabotage a competing, Native businessman named Johnny Eagle. A single father, Eagle recently returned to the Northern Minnesota reservation, leaving a high-powered banking job in hopes of simultaneously empowering his community and saving his troubled son Jacob-but his actions threaten the local town business owners. When J.W. moves onto the reservation and begins to work his way close to Eagle, hundreds of years of racial animosities rise to the surface, inexorably driving the characters toward a Shakespearean and shattering conclusion.
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