by: Jane S. Fancher
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Breaching the sanctity of his world's ruling priesthood, whose practices provide power to all life, Darius Rhomandi discovers another source of power and founds a democratic city that falls into unres...
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Some shelfwear No creases on spine Discoloration on first 10 pages - see photo DAW Books, 1995, 572 pages Ring Dancers - Book#1 Three brothers, caught in a web of lies and corruption, must overcome a lifetime of misconceptions and distrust to find the united strength needed to save their City. A land of myth and magic...and ruled by the power company. a powerful city-state built around the massive, energy-producing Rhomatum Node. a node city second only to Rhomatum herself. an exceedingly attitudinal satellite of Rhomatum---with notions of autonomy. The Rhomandi Family are the descendants of Rhomatum's founding father, and heirs to the Ley Tower which controls the node's life-giving energy. Anheliaa Rhomandi, the despotic Ringmaster of Rhomatum, a woman of legendary Talent, is aging rapidly and is desperate for an heir to the unprecedented web of power she has created. Her nephews, Deymorin, Mikhyel and Nikaenor, three singularly unTalented young men, brothers torn apart by mistrust, jealousy and polarized political views---are not the Masters she has in mind. Mauritum senses weakness in her long-time rival and sees an opportunity to add Rhomatum---and all Rhomatum's satellite nodes---to her already glittering crown. All she must do is wait for Anheliaa to die. But Anheliaa has plans for her precious heir, plans that involve her three nephews---will they or nil they. Those plans will set them all, brothers, cities...and the ley itself...on a collision course with destiny. Whether or not any of them survive depends on whether or not Deymio, Khyel and Nikki can set aside their differences and become the brothers nature intended them to be.
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