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Learn how to think like a hacker in order to secure your Linux network In the ever-changing world of global data communications, inexpensive Internet connections, and fast-paced software development. security is constantly being compromised. Linux has always been considered the digital playground for hackers. Many hacks, exploits, and network security tools are written on Linux because it's readily available. Hacking Linux Exposed: Linux Security Secrets & Solutions shows you, step-by-step, how to defend against the latest Linux attacks by understanding the hacker's methods and sinister thought processes. You'll learn how your adversarles gather information, acquire targets, escalate privilege, gain control, plant back doors, and cover their tracks. Each chapter is divided into bite-sized chunks, covering highly publicized and little-known break-ins, tips on why they occurred, and detailed countermeasures that no Linux professional can afford to be without.
This guide aims to provide systems administrators with insights into how to find and exploit security holes in Linux - and how they can be fixed. It covers vulnerabilities found on common Linux distri...
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