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Kate Wilson hates to admit it, but she's unhappy and can't figure out why. Fearful of flying yet determined to find a reason for her unhappiness, she boards a flight headed for her Washington hometown. Inn of the Woods owner and pilot, Oxnard Swanson struggles with accepting his multiple sclerosis diagnosis, realizing his dreams of marriage and a family might be over. Determined, he bides his time managing the inn, piloting his Cessna, and training his rescue dog Bayou. Sparks quickly fly between Oxnard and Kate, when a snow storm forces her to find refuge at the Inn of the Woods. Maggie, a wise guest, suggest the couple step outside, where the magic of the snow offers answers to their search for happiness and a second chance at love. Kate and Oxnard find love is like a snowflake, a unique and beautiful reminder of life's continuation, as each snowflake melts into the eternal hope of spring
Product Details
A Sweet Romance begins in the Snow-Kate Wilson hates to admit it, but she's unhappy and can't figure out why. Fearful of flying yet determined to find a reason for her unhappiness, she boards a flight...
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