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In too many places, the world over young people they do not even understand. In the face of death and fear and destruction, They struggled just to survive. Deeply scarred by violence and hatred, Of a future when they Can once again play in the streets, Go to the school without worrying about being killed, Eat when they are hungry, And keep their home And family around them. Maria Ousseimi Traveled to 4 of the most war-torn countries in the world - Lebanon, Bosnia - Herzegovi, Mozambique, and El Salvador - To interview young people living under Siege. With unflinching photographs and haunting first-hand stories. She captures the physical and psychological devastation of war. Perhaps most shocking of all , though , is her realization that of the many conflicts she's covered, one of the worst is the undeclared war being fought in our own nation's capital. The street wars of Washington, D. C., and of other neighborhoods across the United States. Wreak no less damage on young lives and remind us how close to home the tragedy of war really is. "Caught in the Crossfire" provides an eye-opening and deeply moving glimpse into the lives of young people trying to survive and make sense of a nightmare world.