Seller Description
Sunset Outdoor Design & Build Guide: Backyards for Kids is the ultimate guide for parents who want to createimaginative outdoor spaces where their kidscan play and explore. From treehouses andplayhouses to tunnels, hiding places, andsandboxes, this visual and comprehensiveguide presents safe and stylish spaces forall ages. It also goes further than the otherbuilding books on the market, helping parentsplan easy-to-grow gardens for their buddingfarmers and giving lists of the best trees forclimbing, vines for creating luscious jungles,and more. With great inspiration and simpleinstruction, this book helps you finally buildthat backyard escape your kids have beenasking for. Outdoor Design & Build Guide: Backyards for Kids includes: More than two dozen approachable projects-from a climbing wall or playhouse to a sandbox or swings Project ideas that are not only smart and safe, but will create the ultimate fun and imaginative outdoor spaces for kids to enjoy Step-by-step instructions for every project Inspirational photos to help you personalize your projects Expert tips on perfecting the final touches of a fun backyard addition, including the best materials to use for each project
Product Details
Sunset Outdoor Design & Build Guide: Backyards for Kids is the ultimate guide for parents who want to createimaginative outdoor spaces where their kidscan play and explore. From treehouses andplayhous...
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