by: Parnell Hall
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Tis the season to be jolly, but Cora Felton, shanghaied into “The Twelve Days of Christmas” as a most reluctant maid-a-milking, has every right to feel like a grinch. When someone steals the partridge from the pear tree and replaces it with a cryptic puzzle she has no hope of solving, it’s almost more than the Puzzle Lady can bear. But then smug crossword creator Harvey Beerbaum solves the acrostic, and it turns out to be a poem promising the death of an actress. This is more like it! Could the threat be aimed at Cora and her thespian debut? Or at Sherry, one of the ladies-dancing? Or at Sherry’s nemesis, the pageant’s predatory lead, Becky Baldwin? New 2002 paperback Questions? Please ask! Shop with confidence Ships fast Nonsmoking home
With Christmas just around the corner, Puzzle Lady Cora Felton feels no holiday cheer thanks to her role as one of the Eight Maids A-Milking in the local holiday pageant and the murder of an actress i...
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