Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Business & Economics
Format - Paperback
Condition - Excellent
Listed - 2 months ago
Views - 8
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Ships From - Hawaii
Est. Publication Date - Oct 2012
Seller Description
*The Compound Effect* by Darren Hardy is a personal development book that emphasizes the power of small, consistent actions over time to achieve significant success. Hardy, drawing from his experiences as a successful entrepreneur and publisher of *Success* magazine, explains how seemingly minor daily habits, when compounded over months or years, can lead to remarkable results in any area of life—whether it’s health, relationships, finances, or career. The book provides actionable strategies for building momentum, staying disciplined, and overcoming setbacks. Through practical advice and real-life examples, *The Compound Effect* encourages readers to take control of their choices and create lasting positive change. This paperback book is in excellent condition and will be shipped to you using recycled material for packaging and within 24/48 hours of purchase.
The Compound Effect
ISBN: 9781593157241
Publisher Description
Do you want success? More success than you have now? And even more success than you ever imagined possible? That is what this book is about. Achieving it. No gimmicks. No hyperbole. Finally, just the ...
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