Happy New Year From The PangoBooks Team!

Happy New Year From The PangoBooks Team!

To the wonderful PangoBooks Community,

As 2022 draws to a close, we wanted to send a note to everyone who’s been part of PangoBooks this year and offer our profound gratitude. It’s been an amazing year for us and none of it would be possible without all of you!

As you may or may not know, PangoBooks launched in mid-2021 which means that 2022 was our first full year of operation. It’s been truly unbelievable to see how far we’ve come in that short period of time, and how many people have had such wonderful experiences buying books from each other via our app. When we see folks thrilled to receive books in excellent condition with thoughtful packaging and personal touches, we know that’s a huge part of what makes buying books on Pango special and it’s 100% your doing!

In 2022, we saw hundreds of thousands of books change hands spanning the known universe of genre, author, style, and format. Every sale on our platform is between individual readers, and every time a book ships out, it’s beginning a new chapter in its life. It’s this process of getting old books into new hands (and in some cases saving them from a landfill) that motivates our team so much.

This past year also saw a complete redesign of our app and website, along with a whole slew of new features such as seller sales and saved searches. We have tons of more cool stuff in store for 2023 that we cannot wait to share with all of you.

Wishing everyone reading this happy holidays and a happy New Year—here’s to the many books we’ll all discover and devour in 2023!


The PangoBooks Team

PS – take a look at the links below for a look at your favorite books, authors, and listings in 2022!