Steph Figueroa Shelves | Pango Books

Shelves by Steph Figueroa

Steph Figueroa's curated list of bookshelves to organize all their favorite books

Steph Figueroa


The Second Horror
Truth or Dare

Ghosts of Reading Past

88 books


Good Luck, Chuck

17 books

Just after Sunset
The Dead Zone

King of Horror

41 books

Girl in the Shadows
Into the Garden

Me & VC

39 books

The Witches of Eastwick
The Witches of Eastwick

Movie Madness

6 books

The Radium Girls
Unsolved Deaths
Vertellis Chapters

No Lie

3 books

The Family Upstairs
A Dowry of Blood
Winterset Hollow

One Eye Open…

30 books

Crooked House
Agatha Christie
The Feast of All Saints

Rice Christies

49 books

The Lady of the Rivers
The White Queen
Speakers of the Dead ♻️ (Last Chance!)

That's Not How It Went!

10 books

Mother Knows Best
Mother Knows Best
Almost There (a Twisted Tale)

Turn The Tale Around

17 books

Under 100 Club

0 books

The Twelve Faces of the Goddess
Scrying for Beginners
Wiccan Feng Shui

Witchy Woman

7 books

Sophocles Antigone AND Julius Caesar

Ye Olde Bookshelf

2 books