The 'Raven' series, written by Patricia Briggs, is a captivating high-fantasy duology that whisks readers into a world where magic is both a blessing and a curse. The story centers around Seraph, a skilled Raven mage, and her ex-soldier husband, Tier, as they navigate life with their uniquely talented children. Set in a medieval world populated by clans of nomadic Travelers, readers will be immersed in themes of family bonds, magic, and the struggle between good and evil. When Tier goes missing, Seraph must use her magical abilities to uncover the truth, all while a dark force known as the Stalker threatens to break free from its ancient prison. This series offers a rich blend of adventure, intricate world-building, and heartwarming family dynamics that will keep you eagerly turning the pages.

2 books

Raven's Shadow

Book 1Published 2004

Raven's Shadow

by Patricia Briggs

Despised by those who fear magic, Seraph, a Raven mage, finds love with an ex-soldier named Tier and casts aside her gifts, but when he mysteriously disappears, Seraph must rely on her magic to save her beloved and fulfill her destiny as a protector ... Read more


Raven's Strike

Book 2Published 2005

Raven's Strike

by Patricia Briggs


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