The 'One Night' series by Jodi Ellen Malpas is an intoxicating journey that follows the intense and unexpected romance between Olivia Taylor and Miller Hart. From the moment Livy lays eyes on the enigmatic and stunning Miller in a coffee shop, their connection is undeniable. As they navigate a relationship built on passion, dark secrets, and raw emotion, Livy and Miller must confront their own fears and past traumas. Readers will be captivated by the character development and the push-and-pull dynamic that keeps the pages turning. With a mix of heart-pounding romance and deeply felt emotional struggles, this series is perfect for those who love a gripping love story that leaves a lasting impact.
3 books
The new breathtaking novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the This Man trilogy ONE NIGHT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH . . . Livy notices him the moment he walks into the coffee shop. He's heart-stoppingly stunning, with a blue-eyed gaze so ... Read more
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The passion that burned between Livy and M in One Night: Promised may end up destroying them both in this new novel of overwhelming desire and shocking discoveries . . . He's amazingly wealthy, sinfully gorgeous, and can bring her to heights of pleas... Read more
A life without secrets and a passion without end . . .The story of Livy and M's passionate love affair comes to a stunning conclusion in the final book in the One Night trilogy! Livy has never known pure desire like this. The gorgeous Miller Hart cap... Read more
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