The Lydia Strong series by acclaimed author Lisa Unger follows Lydia, a driven true-crime writer whose traumatic past fuels her relentless quest for justice. Alongside her partner and former FBI agent, Jeffrey Mark, Lydia investigates some of the darkest and most mysterious cases. Whether they are delving into the chilling depths of human trafficking or solving a high-profile murder case, each book is a thrilling roller coaster that takes readers from the high deserts of New Mexico to the bustling streets of New York City. Lydia's unique ability to see clues that others miss, paired with Jeffrey's methodical approach, makes for an unforgettable investigative duo. This series blends personal demons with professional challenges, offering suspense-filled narratives that keep readers hooked from the first page to the last. Prepare for a gripping journey through psychological twists and turns that will leave you questioning every character's motives.

4 books

Angel Fire

Book 1Published 2002

Angel Fire

by Lisa Unger

Originally published in hardcover in slightly different form in the United States by St. Martin's Press in 2002. Read more

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The Darkness Gathers

Book 2Published 2003

The Darkness Gathers

by Lisa Miscione

Fifteen and gorgeous, Tatiana Quinn disappears from her Miami bedroom sometime after midnight. Her backpack, $160 stashed in her jewelry box, and her favorite clothes are also missing. The police conclude she ran away. Her wealthy father quickly post... Read more

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Book 3Published 2004


by Lisa Miscione

Detective Lydia Strong has her hands full trying to clear a friend of murdering her second husband, who died in the same manner as the woman's first husband. Martin's Minotaur. Read more


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Book 4Published 2005


by Ellen Hopkins

After the death of her abusive father and loss of her beloved Ethan and their unborn child, Pattyn runs away, desperately seeking peace, as her younger sister, a sophomore in high school, also tries to put the pieces of her life back together. Read more
