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Knowledge is Power


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'And this too shall pass.' 'For there is nothing new under the sun' . An avid reader and Pro "Physical Book in hand" advocate! Theres something to be said about an actual book in hand experience, its unlike anything else- cant be described, better expierenced. I would recommend this to all and any who wish to escape into their own Narnias (The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe), Rabbit holes (Alice in Wonderland)or unique islands (Lord of the Flys). Having the physical copy in hand feels like having your own invitation or key into another land to which you can escape alone. Without the need of electrical outlets or data connection something very uncommon. No one else knows where youve gone to as you explore from cover to cover a new world all your own. Each book being its own world, this is traveling at its greatest value- the cost of a meal or often times less than. Adventures as these are almost unheard of anymore, men no longer explore the unknown on a physical journey testing their wits, strength,fortitude and wherewithall-gone are the days. This is the last hurrah - imagination the last stop. Let us not lose our ability to imagine, I am to scared to ponder a reality so bleak! Instead exercise your freedoms and join distant worlds, ideas, experiences.Test the waters, your man made boundaries and explore ideas and regions never considered and then step back and see how much greater you are for having explored new possibilities and ways of life having not once stepped away from your homes and see what these new ideals make of you. Perhaps a better man having opened the door of "what ifs" and not concided the unknown, but instead having pressed forward and walked in anothers shoes for a season. Isnt this what great men are made of? This cloth of possibilities?It could be the start of something great.

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