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Tyehimba Marketplace


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Tyehimba Marketplace is one of the economic arms of the youth program, "Tyehimba". "Tyehimba" is a Kiswahili term that means "We Stand As A Nation". Tyehimba's Purpose is to raise a new kind of Afrikan/Afrikan-American child who not only understands that we, as a collective family, MUST "Stand As A Nation", but to make that stand a reality by intentionally Transforming Our Youth to Empower, Heal, Improve, Mobilize & Build for Ascendancy (T.Y.E.H.I.M.B.A.) in their communities. Ascendancy - "The State of Governing, Controlling Influence or Dominating" The Tyehimba Youth Education & Development Program is about Learning, Understanding and Building. ​LEARNING about communities of need and what it means to be a member of those communities. UNDERSTANDING the importance of that learning and the significance of knowing it. BUILDING EVERYTHING THAT'S NEEDED to educate, train, employ, feed, protect and move these communities forward via that learning and understanding. The reselling of books, and other donated items on our website, help to fund the youth program.

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