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Welcome to Shannons Reading Room 📚 🐾 Dog Friendly 🤑 Happy to take Offers 🏎 Quick to Ship 📩 Feel free to DM with questions 👩‍👦 #boymom 💍 #wife 🐶 🐥#dogmom #chickenmom 🎁 i try to put little goodies in every order IG: @ShannonsReadingRoom I sell books in an effort to keep them out of the landfill. Put them into the hands of people who want them. And so i can buy more books 😂 I have a wide selection of Genres available and am always updating my shop ✨️ "We know what happens to today when it becomes yesterday... It waits for them... the timekeepers of eternity!"🕑 - The Langoliers

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