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Sarah Welch


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I love to read, I also love to collect books. Some books listed have never been read because I found a special edition that I had to have. 🥰📚 I read a lot of horror, fantacy and dark romance. 🧟‍♀️🧚‍♀️ All books come from a smoke free 🚭, pet friendly home, two doggos and two chunky cats (one short hair, one long hair). 🐶🐈‍⬛ Some books travel with me to work and I will note that in the description if they have. I am also very willing to bundle books, please feel free to reach out to me if you have something in mind. I usually list books as I read them but occasionally I forget 🤣. I have a massive amount that I am working on listing. If my “store” looks like your shelf and you think I might have the book your looking for that you have to have, also feel free to send over a message. I probably have it. If you have made it this far and this is your first time purchasing on Pango, feel free to use my code and recieve $5 off your first purchase. SARAHWUZHERE08 <— That is the code ;)

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