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As The Page Turns


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I'm originally from Massachusetts. I've lived in San Francisco 23+ years now. I read what was assigned to me in school. It wasn't until 9th grade English class when Miss Murray assigned us "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton that I realized reading can be done for enjoyment. I read a lot during high school, but no so much after I graduated. I was lucky if I read one book a year, if that. It wasn't until eight years ago, when I had my cancer surgery, that I began reading again. With all the doctors' appointments and sitting in waiting rooms I need to kill time. Since then, I've been reading 2-3 books a month. I enjoy mysteries, lgbt themed stories, and, during the pandemic, I discovered gay love stories (also known as "MM Romance"). Some of my favorite authors, in no particular order, are S.E. Hinton, Christopher Rice, John Morgan Wilson, Alexa Land, Scott Heim, Warren Dunford, and RJ Scott. Thank you for reading. Please be respectful to all. Love is Love!!!

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