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Thrifted Tales


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If ever I’ve had a passion, its been reading. The first full novel I read was Stephen King’s Bag of Bones when I was 13 or 14 years old, and I’ve been a member of the King’s Court ever since! I collect his books. I’m also a huge fantasy and sci-fi buff. Honestly, I’ll read anything that’s well written. I have a journal of nothing but to-be-read books that I can’t ever seem to finish because there’s always something else to read and some other book to add to the list. You can never have enough books…although some may disagree with me since I’m currently shopping for bookshelf number 5. Ha! So I figure I’ll try to get rid of some on here so that someone else can appreciate them (while I search for more books to take their place.) Happy hunting, bibliophiles!

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