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Dawn Elizabeth Hagen


I’m now what you’d call an empty-nester. My kids are grown, and my longtime boyfriend and i are now enjoying the projects we alwsys wantedto work on. Im currently writing my first biok - a fictionalized story a out a very real young lady who used to spend soych time st our home, however she is said to have cur her own throat one year after graduating high school. The family disowned her to a great extent, and (without discussing it with me, which is was her usual. Ive done more investigating than anyone in Houston’s detective department. I’ll be printing the first copy for the DA, in hopes he is willing to understand that i’m not just going away - even tho her even tho her own father didnt so much as pick up her ashes, hold a memorial, or even ask the local newspapers to do a write-up on her death. Suddenly Last Summer is scheduled to hit book shelves by thus Fall.

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