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STORE PROMOTIONS New Store Promotion! All books in inventory are $1.50 until the 100th sale. We're on 15/100. I will update completed sales daily. COUPONS 50% offf of $5 still also applies. That will end after 100th sale as well. Free shipping coupon still applies and it will be here for the duration of the store's life. :) READER'S SUPPORT (CUSTOMER'S INPUT) Decided to drop the sale after the $100th delivery. Orders not coming in quick enough to justify it. Enjoy the rest of the new store sale while its on. We're still only at 15/100. Message me if you have any titles you want to buy at $1.50 and i can keep a lookout for them while I'm book hunting. Maybe youll get lucky and ill find a copy before the sale ends. Let me know if there's any coupons that you want to see on the storefront if you are following my store and i can see what I can do. REFFERALS If you manage to help me make a sale with a friend or on social media, send me proof of the friend's receipt by telling me their name so i can look them up once the sale is complete along with a picture of where you shared it (if online), and I'll ship a book you want in my store for free. If you want to get all of your titles here for a consistent discount then im going to need so support to make that viable. Happy reading. Check out the rest of my bio to find out what the store is inspired by! WHAT AM I USING PANGO FOR? I have a huge dream to eradicate the plague of domestic abuse and even larger hunger to spread EQ literacy and transform the whopping defecit of 2/3 of the nation's illiterate population into emotionally literate citizens. This little used book shop I set up on pango is going to be a stepping stone into larger hobby investments, all of which will not only relieve me from my own sufferring and get me out of MY situation, but will free me up financially and mentally to put my love towards spreading real domestic violence education, so I can actuallly create a knowledgable community and strengthen the support system of those that are isolated by family or partners. I'm aiming to make it mandatory on a federal level for all schools in the US (middle school and high school) to be required to teach domestic violence and bullying as a life skills course that's required to graduate. THE PROBLEM "Awareness" is a bandaid, and is fleeting, and tends to dissipate after we hit repost and forget about the meme we saw. Its not an education, a how to, or a guidebook on humanity. It only wakes us up for a minute, and then its gone. Its not engrained in our hearts to desire to have a clean and healthy mind, or to avoid using our personalities to spread the rot right back, or to even think twice about the poison we're spreading like STDs to our loved ones (or people we hate) when we retaliate to abuse with more. We have no solid definitive idea of why harm isnt okay when we lose interest in someone, or any moral connection to love people of no interest to us. EQ education in middle schools will form that strong authentic self, and form a protective loving shell independent of others and protected from others to protect our beliefs, ideals, and leave us the power to gatekeep our morals and forge our own bond of self love. THAT, is what protects others from US. I want the school system to help kids groom each other the right way and put down people that pressure and hurt for sport. Make it lame. Transform the stereotype of a loser into an objective concept and restructure our minds to identify losers as those that pity, ridicule, isolate, harm, judge... etc. Teach them how much rot it causes them internally to harm others, to SHOW them with their own feelings. Make them realize theyre not any safer than who theyre bullying or sex trafficking, or selling drugs to. ERRADICATE RED PILL THINKING IN SCHOOLS (COERCIVE CONTROL) SPOONFEEDING REAL BRAIN RESEARCH Im pooling massive knowledge from numerous books and podcasts created and written by M.D's, P.HD's, and abuse and consent experts, and formatting it into lesson plans and worksheets that will be stuctured like college curriculum. Each bit of information I am learning will be compartmentalized into bite sized lessons for teens to digest and discuss in class (and ideally create a safe haven for their classmates on a discord server or other community in the schools where this information can be shared and engrained in group behavior). UNDO SEXUAL GROOMING IN YOUNG MEN AND BRAINWASHING IN YOUNG GIRLS TO ACCEPT ITS EXPECTED OR STANDARD The idea is to erradicate red pilling idealogy in these kids social circles and educate girls as young as 11 or 12 on what coercive control is and how its weaponized to groom women into handing their boundaries to men (without knowing), and undeservingly having their intellectual properties and their morlas high jacked, not just tricked into giving up their bodies or believing the mind and heart is seperate from touch. Biologically. Its. Not. Literally. At. All. My goal is to transform all of my data into the first ever complete A to Z comprehensive course. This course will be the founding model for all teachers to work from, with a list of all of my resources that were cited so teachers themselves and other faculty can learn through these books in their spare time, and even build their own curriculum. AUTHENTIC EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION FROM OTHERS WITH THE POWER OF ARMED EQ KNOWLEDGE EQ will be a second seperate life skills course for preemptive measues to protect the self pre abuse- mind, body, and autonomy in general. Maybe even save students from their Matilda lifestyles at home and be given the chance to reject their parents beliefs and ideals about the world and themselves. Give them a chance to choose who to be and really think about why they want to be that person. More and more James and The Giant Peach endings with help from Federal Education! COMPLEX TRAUMA TECH TOOLS AND ABUSE AVOIDANCE EYEWEAR The course will hopefully also use my smart glasses invention (currently a brainstorm and a mental doodle) as an educational tool to idetify abusive expressions, pick up elevated tones and pitch, and alert users of potentially harmful statements or phrases others around them are using with a silent caution icon displayed in the corner of the lense, as well as notifications and beeps on bluetooth headphones for discrete and safe alerts during a domestic occurence. The glasses will be used in class to guide them into safer relationship choices and teach them to spot danger at home and at school. I am hoping to utilize research and software software similar to paul ekman's (formed from 40 years of research funded by national security) that teaches people how to read faces and expressions of others to avoid danger and strengthen emotional bonds. They are meant to be a suggestive guide to reveal possible abuse or danger, whether emotional or physical. (based on the context of the sitution obviously) The glasses will also be used as a re-regulation tool for trauma victims to re-activate their brain and alert them of dissassociation by popping up an alert on the glasses during dangerous moments to remind them to walk away or prepare them for their bodily responses to things like screaming or angey expressions. Im aiming to network with anyone with social power in the education system or the abuse community (authors, speakers, and the like) to launch the glasses and host an event to make the movement public and create a massive following to persuade the federal education system to impliment it. These pongo books sales will help fund all of this in the long run. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THIS PASSION So if you can, buy a book or two, follow my store and try to help me build reviews and a presence on the app. Now that you know what the money is geared towards, hopfeully it will help the store a little more :) Thanks!

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