Product Details
Category - Fiction / Children's
Format - Hardcover
Condition - New
Listed - 5 months ago
Views - 1
Ships From - Florida
Est. Publication Date - Sep 2000
Seller Description
3 Bilingual (English and Spanish Editions) Books Book 1: Kiko, el Dragon Desobediente / Kiko, the Disobedient Dragon Disobeying his parents, Kiko the dragon lets his curiousity get the best of him when he wanders away from home and finds himself lost in a dangerous forest, in a bilingual tale illustrating the significance of obedience, diligent learning, and respect of one's elders. Book 2: Mary, la Ostra Timida / Mary, the Shy Oyster Surrounded by bright, pretty fish, Mary the oyster feels sad about her heavy, dull, gray body, so she hides in her shell and makes no friends until she discovers a lustrous pearl has grown inside her, revealing that true beauty comes from within. Book 3: La Nubecita Panza de Agua / WaterBelly, The Little Cloud In an enchanting story of social responsibility and altruism, a well-meaning little cloud decides to lend a hand when she learns of a place whose people, animals, and plants are suffering because of lack of rain.
Kiko, el Dragon Desobediente / Kiko, the Disobedient Dragon; Mary, la Ostra Timida / Mary, the Shy Oyster; La Nubecita Panza de Agua / WaterBelly, The Little Cloud: Cuentos Bilingues / Bilingual Stories
ISBN: 9780967303208
Publisher Description
Bilingual story of a small and good hearted traveling Cloud, who helps a thirsty town and brings hope.
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