Product Details
Category - Fiction / Travel
Format - Paperback
Condition - Excellent
Listed - 8 days ago
Ships From - New Jersey
Est. Publication Date - Sep 2005
Seller Description
"The Space Tourist's Handbook" by Eric Anderson, with Joshua Piven, is a guide designed to prepare individuals for the experience of space tourism. Here's a summary of its key features: Practical Information: It provides practical information for those interested in traveling to space. It covers various aspects of space travel, including different types of flights, flight training, the launch process, and potential emergencies. It also addresses the challenges of living in a weightless environment, such as sleeping and using specialized facilities. Comprehensive Guide: The book aims to give potential space tourists the same type of training that individuals receive through space tourism companies. It includes step-by-step instructions for various aspects of space travel. Illustrated Content: The handbook features illustrations, including a color section showcasing potential space tourism destinations. Author Expertise: Eric Anderson is the president and CEO of Space Adventures, Ltd., providing firsthand knowledge of the space tourism industry. In essence, the book serves as a primer for anyone dreaming of venturing into space, offering insights into the realities and practicalities of space travel.
The Space Tourist's Handbook
ISBN: 9781594740664
Publisher Description
Your Guide to the Final Frontier nbsp; This illustrated handbook features everything you need to know about space tourism--from travel-planning tips to life-or-death survival skills. You'll discover: ...
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