Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Science
Format - Paperback
Condition - Good
Listed - A month ago
Views - 1
Ships From - Nebraska
Est. Publication Date - Jan 1997
Seller Description
This updated edition of the bestselling Handy Science Answer Book tackles doezens of new sci-tech topics, as well as your old favorites-from the inner workings of the human body to outer space, and from mathematics and computers to cars, boats, planes, and trains. Handy Science's clear-cut, straightforward style makes answers fun and easy to understand. With more than 100 illustrations and dozens of tables and graphs, it's a friendly resource for browsers, scanners and serious sojourners i
The Handy Science Answer Book
ISBN: 9781578590995
Publisher Description
Provides answers to more than 1,200 unusual, interesting, or frequently-asked questions in the areas of science, pseudo science, and technology.
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