Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / History
Format - Paperback
Condition - Good
Listed - A year ago
Views - 23
Ships From - Alaska
Est. Publication Date - Jan 1995
Seller Description
Here it is, The History of the World! First published in 1976, this book has been revised and/or reprinted at least nine times, this copy being the 1997 revision. It is a bold undertaking to attempt to corral the entire history of the entire world in one book, but this one manages to do it and manages to be entertaining while it is educating. This high-level overview avoids getting too far into the weeds on any particular period or civilization and thereby manages to cover the entire history of humanity from the time of early hominids to nuclear proliferation in only 1100 pages. Take a look. See what you can learn for only $3.00.
History of the World: The Penguin Revised Edition
ISBN: 0140154957
Publisher Description
One of the most extraordinary history bestsellers on the Penguin list, John Roberts' book has now been completely updated to the end of the last century and revised throughout to make sure it keeps it...
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