Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Self Help
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Excellent
Listed - 4 months ago
Views - 1
Ships From - Nebraska
Est. Publication Date - Apr 1997
Seller Description
Three Minute Therapy can help to change your life for the better. You will find yourself looking at life in a different way. Your emotional troubles will seem less mysterious and less powerful. If you take the trouble to learn the techniques explained in Three Minute Therapy, think about them, and apply them to your problems, you will be able to tackle difficulties that may have seemed impossible. Some of your worst fears and anxieties can diminish or dissolve away, and you will become more effective at pursuing your chosen life goals. The techniques used in Three Minute Therapy show you, clearly and simply, how you needlessly upset yourself, and it gives you many thinking, feeling, and action methods of reducing your disturbances while still retaining your main goals, values, and preferences. Three Minute Therapy can add years to healthier and pappier living to your life.
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