Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Crafts & Hobbies
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Excellent
Listed - A month ago
Views - 1
Ships From - South Carolina
Est. Publication Date - Aug 2009
Seller Description
This is a well written guide to making jewelry from things you have found, collected or treasure. A concise instruction to transform these everyday items into amulets and talismans. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. Each suggested piece is well photographed. This book will take your creativity in a new direction. Enjoy.
Amulets and Talismans: Simple Techniques for Creating Meaningful Jewelry
ISBN: 9781600611612
Publisher Description
Making Jewelry with Meaning The things you collect - the ticket stubs, the coins, the pieces of shell from a beach - hold meaning and significance, reminding you not only where you've been, but also w...
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