Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Cooking
Format - Paperback
Condition - Good
Listed - A year ago
Views - 29
Wishes - 1
Ships From - Pennsylvania
Est. Publication Date - Dec 1985
Seller Description
These meals are nutritionally, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing. There are certain ingredients used frequently tamari, Tahini, Tofu , Mung, bean, sprouts and nuts and seeds. Also, without these ingredients, the dish would be largely lost a flavor: wine, oils, black, mushrooms, pasta, garlic, herbs, and spices and cheese. Enjoy! 
The Moosewood Cookbook: Recipes from moosewood restaurant in Ithaca New York Recipes from moosewood restaurant in Ithaca New York
ISBN: 0913668680
Publisher Description
The Moosewood Cookbook has inspired generations to cook simple, healthy, and seasonal food. A classic listed as one of the top ten best-selling cookbooks of all time by the New York Times, this 40th a...
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