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Category - Fiction / Sci-Fi

Format - Paperback

Condition - Fair

Listed - 10 days ago

Views - 61

Wishes - 2

Ships From - California

Est. Publication Date - Aug 2005

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Dune BUNDLE (Dune | Children of Dune | Dune Messiah | God Emporeror of Dune)

ISBN: 9780441013593

Publisher Description

Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the “spice” melange, a drug capab...

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PangoBooks readers find this book to be a seminal piece of science fiction that excels in world-building, character depth, and complex political intrigue. It is considered a must-read for sci-fi fans, especially before delving into any adaptations. While the rich allegorical content and thought-provoking philosophical themes are highly praised, some readers find the numerous new terms and intricate narrative structure to be initially overwhelming. Despite moments of slow pacing, the book is celebrated for its detailed ecosystem and interlocking narrative perspectives, offering a rewarding and unparalleled reading experience. However, a few readers experienced difficulty connecting with the plot and characters due to its density and complexity.


Dune BUNDLE (Dune | Children of Dune | Dune Messiah | God Emporeror of Dune)




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By: Frank Herbert

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