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Category - Fiction / Young Adult

Format - Hardcover

Condition - Excellent

Listed - A year ago

Views - 2

Est. Publication Date - May 2006

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Scrambled Eggs at Midnight: Calliope (or Cal as she calls herself) wants nothing more than to stay put; to stop traveling cross-country with her mother, sleeping in a tent, and abandoning all belongings whenever they pull up stakes. Meanwhile, eliot misses the happy times he left behind when his father decided to open a camp for kids looking to lose weight and find Jesus. when Cal and eliot meet by chance, they feel an immediate connection. together they must face their isolation, the threat of yet another move, and the deepening of eliot’s father’s obsession. in their case, love just might be everything it’s cracked up to be.

ISBN: 9780525477600

Publisher Description

Calliope and Eliot, two fifteen-year-olds in Asheville, North Carolina, begin to acknowledge some unpleasant truths about their parents and form their own ideas about love. Reprint.

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Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

By: Brad Barkley

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