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Category - Non Fiction / Children's

Format - Paperback

Condition - Excellent

Listed - 2 years ago

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Ships From - Iowa

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King George: What Was His Problem?: What do the most famous traitor in history, hundreds of naked soldiers, and a salmon lunch have in common? They’re all part of the amazing story of the American Revolution. Entire books have been written about the causes of the American Revolution. This isn’t one of them. What it is, instead, is utterly interesting, antedotes (John Hancock fixates on salmon), from the inside out (at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, hundreds of soldiers plunged into battle “naked as they were born”) close-up narrative filled with little-known details, lots of quotes that capture the spirit and voices of the principals (“If need be, I will raise one thousand men, subsist them at my own expense, and march myself at their head for the relief of Boston” – George Washington), and action, It’s the story of the birth of our nation, complete with soldiers, spies, salmon sandwiches, and real facts you can’t help but want to tell to everyone you know. King George: What Was His Problem?: Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn’t Tell You About the American Revolution by Steve Sheinkin is a fun, funny way for young readers to learn about a chapter of American history

ISBN: 9870545622554

Publisher Description

KING GEORGE NEVER DID UNDERSTAND AMERICANS "Entire books have been written about the causes of the American Revolution. This isn't one of them." What it is, instead, is utterly interesting, antedotes ...

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King George: What Was His Problem?



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King George

King George

By: Steve Sheinkin

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