Product Details
Category - Fiction / Children's
Format - Hardcover
Condition - New
Listed - 20 days ago
Views - 5
Ships From - Virginia
Est. Publication Date - Sep 2013
Seller Description
2 brand new boxed sets from usborne/paperpie. Great gift for kiddos! The traditional box set has the following stories: 1. Little Red Riding Hood 2. The Little Red Hen 3. Chicken Lickens 4. The three little Pig 5. The Gingerbread Man The fairytale box set includes: 1. Emperor’s New Clothes 2. The Billy Goats Gruff 3. Puss in Boots 4. Aladdin & his magic lamps 5. The Little Mermaid
Usborne/Paperpie Traditional Stories and Fairy Tales (Boxed Set/NEW): The Ginger Man, the little red hen, chicken Licken, the three little pigs, little red riding hood, the little mermaid, Aladdin, etc
ISBN: 9781409563792
Publisher Description
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