Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Social Science
Format - Paperback
Condition - Fair
Listed - 8 days ago
Ships From - California
Seller Description
Cover is intact, but slightly loose Shelfwear Pages discolored Pocket Books, giant cardinal 1961, 339 pages An exploration of class behavior in America and the hidden barriers that affect you, your community, your future. "IS AMERICA A CLASSLESS SOCIETY? NO! says best-selling author Vance Packard in this scorching investigation of the status and class structure of our society. The car you drive, the church you attend, where you went to school, the house you live in -- even your choice of words -- are brandings of your place in society. This is your status -- and you may be stuck with it, like it or not. The author minces no words in letting the reader know exactly who he is, how he measures up, where he is likely to go -- and where, because of society's harsh rules, he is NOT likely to go."