Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / History
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Good
Listed - A year ago
Views - 3
Wishes - 1
Ships From - Pennsylvania
Est. Publication Date - Sep 1996
Seller Description
From the back cover: Letters from Thomas Jefferson Halsey to his wife before entering the battle of Fredericksburg. In this unique chronicle of the civil war, nearly 60 eloquent letters written by Halsey who was a New Jersey farmer, enriched by more than 70 essays, 210 compelling illustrations, assorted memorabilia, and 14 specially commissioned maps together, these elements paint a full and vibrant picture of the Great American conflict. This is a National Geographic Society book. The book comes complete with a separate color space map 29" x 22" of the Battlefields of the Civil War.
From the Field of Battle: The Civil War Letters of Major Thomas J. Halsey
ISBN: 9780792234128
Publisher Description
"While Field of Battle: The Letters of Major Thomas J. Halsey is Halsey's story, it is as much the story of the Civil War - from Sumter to Appomattox. Showcased throughout the book, his letters provid...
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