Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / Children's
Format - Paperback
Condition - Good
Listed - 16 days ago
Views - 1
Wishes - 1
Ships From - Virginia
Est. Publication Date - Mar 1999
Seller Description
American Girl Backpack Books 1-6, 8-17, 19-22, 24, 26-33. Will also include 7, 18, and 23. But some pages of these 3 books are already filled out or torn. So the only ones missing are 25 and 34-45 (I think AG only made 45 of these). Also included: 18 AG tags (see lower right corner of the first photo). This lot will ship usps ground (don’t think these will qualify for media mail)
American Girl Backpack Books Bundle/Lot: Various Small Backpack Books from American Girl
ISBN: 9781562477271
Publisher Description
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