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4 book series. Titles include: afrikorps, iron horse, white rhino and sea stallion . The time 2175 the team Afrikorps, the job clean up a continent. The greenhouse cataclysm of 2050 raised the earth. Now, the Sons and Daughters of biosphere Survivor struggle to reclaim the world from their meetings and martyrs who threaten them all. Suddenly up from the African continent comes armies of evil. They swarm over Europe with a vicious that's not seen for centuries. And with a technology more deadly than ever seen before. They must be stopped. Enter afrikorps, able to National military force organized to clean up africa. American captain Abe TC Creighton leads his bold Squadron on a violent mission for shona, a mystery man who exerts fearsome power over many peoples. Shona could bring them allies or death. Either way they will deliver.
by: Bill Harmon
Dr. Bill Hamon, president of Christian International's schools and ministries, is one of the most widely recognized prophetic ministers in the Church today. He has functioned in the office of the prop...
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