Product Details
Category - Fiction / Children's
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Like New
Listed - 2 days ago
Ships From - Iowa
Est. Publication Date - Aug 2007
Seller Description
This is sequel to the first I hate to read by that one you get this one free they're both in good condition I like new just gone today at the library. Pictures of bright the books are big a great book me treasured for a lifetimes and shared with children of all ages. and here's the video of the read of the book and so you can see exactly what the book looks like if you're interested. I read the book and if you want to see how wonderful the book is here's a link it's on my YouTube.
I Still Hate to Read!: this book is why is the sequel to the first I'll wait for you by that when you get this one free , this book goes with the first book when it is bought this book has no price as long as you buy that book if you're buying this book separate then it'll be $10 I'll put it in the comments because it won't let me go if it if I write just free.
ISBN: 9781568461748
Publisher Description
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