Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / General Fiction
Format - Paperback
Condition - Good
Listed - 6 months ago
Views - 19
Ships From - Ohio
Est. Publication Date - Dec 1997
Seller Description
The legend of lost Atlantis turns to fact as Shirley Andrews synthesizes a wealth of information from more than one hundred classical and Atlantean scholars, scientists, and psychics to describe the country and its inhabitants. Review the scientific and geological evidence for an Atlantic continent, which refutes the popular notion that Atlantis was located in the Mediterranean. Follow the history of Atlantis from its beginnings to its destruction, and see a portrait of Atlantean society: its religion, architecture, art, medicine, and life style. Explore shamanism, the power of crystals, ancient techniques for health and healing, pyramid energy, ley lines, the influence of extraterrestrials and the origin of the occult sciences. Learn what happened to the survivors of Atlantis, where they migrated, and how the survivors and their descendants made their mark on cultures the world over.
Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization
ISBN: 9781567180237
Publisher Description
Using information from classical and Atlantean scholars, scientists and psychics, this book traces the history of the continent of Atlantis from its beginnings to its destruction. The author traces th...
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