Product Details
Category - Non Fiction / General Nonfiction
Format - Hardcover
Condition - Good
Listed - 3 months ago
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Ships From - California
Seller Description
Ex Libris: A Small Anthology Compiled by Christopher Morley Ex Libris is a charming collection of essays and poems celebrating the love of books and the joy of reading. Compiled by the renowned literary critic and author Christopher Morley, this anthology brings together a diverse range of voices, from famous writers to everyday book lovers. Through personal anecdotes, literary analysis, and playful musings, the contributors explore the many facets of the reading experience. They delve into the history of books, the art of collecting, the pleasure of browsing bookstores, and the transformative power of literature. Ex Libris is a delightful tribute to the enduring appeal of books and a perfect companion for any book lover. It offers a nostalgic and inspiring journey through the world of literature. “This little scrapbook was put together during several rainy days, to be printed as a souvenir of the First National Book Fair in November 1936, a festival sponsored by the New York Times and the National Association of Book Pub-lishers. I have purposely avoided the famous golden texts and purple passages of the bibliophile's evangel. You will not find Emily Dickinson's There is no frigate like a book, nor Wordsworth's Books are a substantial world, etc.; not even the well-loved but now too familiar rubrics from Lamb, Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Stevenson, Gissing and the others. Most of the fragments here are contemporary, and it was the editor's pleasure to choose not only "literary" bits but also odds and ends of trade and technical palaver.” Note: EX LIBRIS was printed and published for the New York Times First National Book Fair at the Book Manufacturing Exhibit of the Book Manufacturers' Institute, held at Rockefeller Center, New York, November the 5th to 19th. The Typography is by Richard W. Ellis of The Haddon Craftsmen, Camden, New Jersey; the Binding designed by Ernst Reichl of H. Wolff Book Manufacturing Company, New York; and the Jacket designed by Georg Salter, New York. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Philadelphia London Montreal