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Category - Non Fiction / Christian
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Est. Publication Date - Dec 2022
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This book is intended for any adult Christian or anyone who's currently in need of inspiration and motivation that there is hope to receive the Holy Spirit on Earth. This book is opinionated theology that I learned in my lifetime. The book is written in layman's terms and is easily understandable. The purpose of being born again is to cure pain that you are dealing with both spiritually and physically. The full force of God's Love will cure your temple of anything that hinders your spiritual progression. When God touches you, he makes you born again by filling your soul with his love. God baptizes you with the Holy Ghost and you can literally feel the power of the Holy Spirit blessing you, filling you with unexplainable joy. This event gives you a second chance to change your sinful nature and gives you the opportunity to follow the direction of where your newborn spirit, heart, and the Holy Spirit are taking you in life. When you are born again, God no longer judges you on sins you accumulated before you crossed over to become a born-again Christian. Instead, your life's journey has led you to self-actualization of where you need to be going in life. You have realized that you now have a clean slate, a new heart, and hopefully you have gained a newfound meaning and purpose in your new life. Your obedience to the will of God and Jesus will lure your heart to the miraculous healing power of the Holy Spirit. Your relentless repentance, faith, and complete trust in the Lord will cleanse your spirit. This all happens with the practice of being righteous and being obedient to God. Although the Holy Spirit dwells within our temples, its holiness loses its strength inside our bodies as we live out our lives due to our sinful nature as humans. In addition to being born into sin, we are also prone to attacks by Satan. It is a combination of perception and psychology and how it relates to you finding the Kingdom of God on Earth. Furthermore, it gives example of situations to be aware of daily and how you should you react to and why. I will show how the only God of existence of Christianity, Jesus Christ, the Angels of heaven, and the righteous Christians will inevitably win the battle against Satan (Lucifer), dark angels, Satanic worshipers, the wicked, and the unrighteous. The reward of the faith of the righteous is everlasting life, glorified holy bodies and Jesus will become King of Kings and Lord of Lords on Earth.The book also includes the role of the angels and how they have influence over our lives and protect us. Mankind plays a big role when it comes to getting angels "hyped up" and ready for battle and helping you in spiritual warfare. Your personal praise, rejoicing and worship of Jesus and God could lead to the power of all heavenly angels serving God's ultimate plan for victory in spiritual warfare. Angels are attracted to your spirit to help you overcome adversity in your life. If you believe and have faith that God will help you overcome any challenge, you should also believe that the angels will too. Perception is going to be a reoccurring theme talked about in this book, because I consider perception to be key in spiritual warfare. God uses signs right in your plain view to see that he is near. For example, he uses subliminal messages, people from your family, random people, and ministers to deliver his word. Think of the vegetation and animals that God has provided us with to replenish our bodies and he keeps us from hunger. God created the seas, rivers, and lakes so we may not thirst. He has created the land so world would have space, mass, and matter so mankind would have opportunity to see his beautiful creation. Satan is the master of illusion, and he uses that to spark evil thoughts in your mind to inevitably send your soul to Hell. In this book I will show you some illusions that he uses, also how to combat the illusions Satan uses. Satan wants no one to know and believe that their sins are forgiven, so if you keep sinning, repent to Jesus and your sins will be forgiven. Another one of Satan's strategies is to convince the world that he is not real; you must know that he is indeed real, and he hides in shadows. He makes you feel unhappy, because of your sins, provoking bad language out your mouth, leading to evil thoughts which can escalate to deeper sin, inevitably leading to the capture of your soul. He gets people to feel like they are undeserving of forgiveness from either another person, but mostly God's forgiveness. He gets people not to recognize their strengths in their own willpower to overcome their weaknesses; you must know yourself to defeat your enemy. His objective is to divide the church; Christians, families, and keeping people separate from another, because without unity there is no love. He wants no one to have any type of true spiritual love, such as a covenant bond (A covenant is an oath that you take with God in which you ask God for something reasonable, and it will be granted) with God/Jesus or a spiritual bond of true love with your wife/husband. He uses his demonic angels and satanic worshipers like chess pieces to spark fear in the spirit, eyes, and hearts of anyone. He fears anyone possessed with a healthy covenant bond with God/Jesus and retreats from their presence. In the Holy Bible it is predicted in the book of Revelations that with the help of good Angels Jesus will come again to raise the dead, God will Judge the living and the dead, those whose names are not written in The Book of Life will be cast into a burning lake of fire along with Satan and dark angels. The Book of Life is a list of names that God keeps determining who will have eternal salvation and everlasting life and will live forever. The burning lake of fire is a metaphysical manifestation of hell, which is created by the God of Christianity to imprison and torture Satan/Devil and creations of God who are evil. Since this is prophesized, I have faith that this will inevitably happen. Through my book I will enlighten you on what I have been through and hopefully you can gain some insight on my personal outlook on Christianity and why God/Jesus will win against Satan/Devil in Spiritual Warfare.To become a Born-Again Christian, you must one have faith and believe in Jesus Christ to receive the Holy Spirit. Once you have put your spirit before your flesh you have prioritized eternal life over death. Then you are on the right course of becoming a Born-Again Christian. It's better to live by the rules of spirit then to lose souls by competing for wealth and power, sending our souls into condemnation. You must trust in the word of God, continue reading and hearing the living word. That breaks strongholds the devil has plotted against you. By hearing and reading the word of God it better equips us to understanding how the spiritual realm operates. Thus, in time you will gain knowledge of the living word of God. God uses that insight to help you fight off all adversity and tactics that Satan uses to attack you in the modern-day era. On a 24-7 basis Satan is literally trying to kill those who are faithful and loyal to Christ. The living word of God and prayer uttered out loud is the only offensive weapon you can use against Satan to gain the support of heavenly forces to come to your defense. When I say the living word of God that means that I am talking about strictly what is said in the Holy Bible. No matter what you should listen to what God is saying to you through any message the Bible teaches. Ultimately this book serves as your guide in learning how to win in Spiritual Warfare to become a Born-Again Christian patiently waiting the rewards of being righteous and faithful to God.
Tactics of Spiritual Warfare: Becoming a Born-Again Christian
ISBN: 9781960063038
Publisher Description
The purpose of being Born-Again is to cure pain that you are dealing with especially mentally, spiritually, and physically. If your heart is bearing sin, God has the power to baptize you with the Holy...
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