L.igon Duncan III is an American Presbyterian pastor and theologian. He was born on August 27, 1960, and is known for his work in Reformed theology and for his leadership roles in various theological and ecclesiastical organizations. Duncan served as the Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi, and has been active within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), where he has held positions such as Moderator of the General Assembly. He is also a co-founder of Together for the Gospel, an organization that fosters fellowship and unity among evangelical Christians with a Reformed orientation. In addition to his pastoral work, Duncan is an author and speaker who has written and contributed to numerous books, articles, and publications, often focusing on biblical scholarship, systematic theology, and church history. His academic credentials include past roles as an adjunct professor at Reformed Theological Seminary and as Chairman of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Duncan's contributions to the Christian community reflect his commitment to traditional Reformed doctrine and the practical outworking of theological principles in church and society.
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